Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whatcha know bout me?!

I'm still working on this whole makeup thing haha. Shoutouts to ThePerfectScore!! She is an awesome Youtuber for makeup tutorials and a LOT more! Here's her link:

My fave colors are Purple and Pink. I often add green to that collection for various reasons, but mostly, I love everything purple and pink. Because of that I decided to try a Pink and Purple FOTD. It is very very basic for now, because haha I suck with all things makeup.

I tried to create a subtle change from pink to light purple/pink to dark purple. Empasis is on the eyes and the lips are slightly downplayed.

I used:
Blush- MAC Sweet as Cocoa
Ligloss- Some Juicy Loreal Color (sorry)
Eyeshadow: HIP High Intensity Pigment Fiery Pink, and HIP Duos (Only the purple shadows) Flamboyant, and Wicked
Mascara- Covergirl's LashExact

Enuff words! Time for the pics!!


ThePerfectScore said...

Now I gotta get MAC's Sweet as Cocoa! Thanks alot.. you know I'm poor!

Mz. SassynKlassy said...

Perfect Score....don't forget how long you've made my "wishlist" become. THANX A FRIGGIN LOT lool