Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Caged Bird Returns

It's been two months since my last post huh?! Well...I'm NOT dead I promise! I've just been very busy with school! So much is happening in my life. Someone should have told me how bad of an idea it is to take Organic Chemistry, Physics, Immunology, Botany, Leadership in Action 401, Senior Seminar, and Regular Seminar at the same time. Yes count it up. 19 hours. I WILL SURVIVE!! lol

So far I'm passing everything, but it could be better lol. So I'e been MIA trying to stay up in the books!

I ran across this scripture, and it just made me think.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.
-Mark 8:36

I can remember a few years from today, I used to wish for so much. I used to wish to change everything about my inner and outer appearance. I just wanted the opportunity to feel loved, wanted, and able to do all the things that others around me were doing and experiencing. So, I began to do man little things such as get new hairstyle, new clothing style, makeup, new friends, but in the process I almost lost the most important person, me. I woke up that day and realized sometimes it is good to be selfish. All that matters is me. My happiness. And it shouldn't involve other people's perceptions, thoughts, and wants of me.

I'm on life's rollercoaster, and no one is in the front seat but me and God. Ain't that a blessing? That's all for now! Love ya!


Unknown said...

Glad you're back!! I'm not moving to school until next semester, but I'll definitley do a room tour when I do. School right now is going okay. I'm just ready to leave community college and get into something new, meet new people, and just have new experiences altogether.