Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Smart IS Sexy!

I got this from a message board. I thought this would be a cute challenge to have fun and educate ourselves. Type a short paragraph using these words to send to your DH/SO/BF/whoever! Let 'em know how you really feel and get their strongest muscle really aroused... (Don't forget to show us, too!)

apodyopsis (AP-oh-dy-AHP-sis)
act of mentally undressing someone

hypnerotomachia (HIP-nur-oh-tuh-MAK-ee-uh)
the struggle between sleep and sexual desire

callipygian (KAL-i-PIJ-ee-in)
having well-formed buttocks

colpocoquette (KAHL-puh-koh-KET)
woman who knows she has an attractive bosom and makes good use of its allure

an overwhelming desire to kiss

kissing with the tongue; French kissing

to be attracted to one's lips
^ a really good source for smart-sounding words.

Add more words if you know any!

My Story:

Your smile, Your scent, your touch. Those are the characteristics that come to mind while lying tranquil on a bolster and staid to the world. I wafted off last night and suddenly saw a silhouette of you. As the sight of your flawlessly chiseled body, gigantic hands, and enormous feet enter the room and approach my living room, my eyes suddenly drifted towards your budging biceps and I began to suffer from a bout of apodyopis.

You are such a tease. The way you pushed me against the wall and kissed me while playing in my hair stayed permanently in my mind well into the wee hours of the night where I began to fight hypernotomachia. I've always been known as a good girl, but I have always been attracted to callipygians, and you are surely one of them. Next time I see you, I will show you how cheiloprolitic I am, and no longer fight the basorexia to be as one with your succulent lips. I just hope you are attracted to colpocuqettes, because I’m hoping you take it all or nothing. Wink.

Just my pink pennies,


Jasmine Nicole said...

I like this!! Your blog is so interesting, and very inspirational!! I look forward to your new posts. I can relate a lot that you talk about.

Jasmine Nicole said...

Hey! Just coming through to say hello. Hopefully all is well, can't wait until your next post!